Human Concerns/Asistencia Comunitaria

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Our Lady of Lourdes Church believes strongly in faith in action!  We seek to live out the Catholic Church’s teachings on social justice and human dignity.  For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Joan Dufour. 

Ministries we support:
Rachel’s Vineyard:

Rachel’s Vineyard believes that everyone can experience the love, mercy, and forgiveness God has for them. Are you, or is somebody you know, suffering from the impact of an abortion? Hope and healing are possible! To learn about the Rachel’s Vineyard retreat ministry sponsored by our parish, please call the confidential line at 804-432-2589 or check out


Marty Montgomery-Jennings 804-334-7953

Maggie Carlson 804-432-2589

Matt Freeman 434-825-9661


Mary’s Choice RVA Mission:

Mary’s Choice RVA envisions a world in which every woman faced with an unexpected pregnancy can transform her life and make a new beginning with the support she needs in a loving, safe home in which she can give her baby the ultimate gift: life. For more information, go to .


Food Pantry: Our Lady of Lourdes’ food pantry feeds many individuals and families each month. We distribute food on Mondays and Thursdays from 11:00am to 11:30am by appointment. We also serve those who are in emergency situations.

Learn more: See how your contributions to Human Concerns makes a difference: Sharing God’s Blessings.


Laura’s Closet: Laura’s closet is now open!  We accept donations Monday through Thursday from 9am to 2pm, or on the weekends during Masses. The donations may be placed in the foyer right inside the main doors in the labeled wooden boxes.

Laura’s Closet is open to the public from 9:30am-11am each Tuesday.

Do you know how Laura’s Closet got it’s name?  Click here for a history of this important ministry.

Doctor Assisted Suicide:

In prayer and in public, your voices are urgently needed to bring Gospel values to bear on vital decisions being made by those who represent you. Learn more about this issue from the USCCB by clicking here.

Pray for Life:

Is Abortion Really Healthcare? Click here to hear three arguments to this question.

Human Trafficking: Human trafficking violates the sanctity, dignity, and fundamental rights of the human person. The United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons defines it as “the recruitment, transportation, harboring or receipt of persons by means of force, fraud or coercion…for the purpose of exploitation.” According to the U.S. State Department, human trafficking appears in “many guises”, often taking the form of commercial sexual exploitation, the prostitution of minors, debt bondage, and involuntary servitude. The United States government, and increasingly the international community, utilize the umbrella term “trafficking in persons” to define all forms of modern slavery.  For statistics, common myths, and the Catholic Response on Human Trafficking, click here.